We Can Relieve Your Pain With Oral Surgery & Extractions

Sometimes your teeth simply can’t be repaired. Instead, they need to be removed. That’s where oral surgery and extractions come in.

Why you may need a tooth extraction

Teeth need to be removed for a variety of reasons. Wisdom tooth removal is the most common kind of oral surgery because wisdom teeth are often impacted, crowded, or otherwise unable to come in safely. However, other teeth may need to be removed as well.

Excessive decay that can’t be repaired is one reason for extraction. Others include crowding, breakage, and infection. Sometimes those with serious illnesses need teeth removed in order to keep their mouth healthy overall.

Most tooth extractions are quick and relatively painless. You’ll receive local or general anesthesia. If your tooth is broken or below the surface of the gum, your dentist or oral surgeon will do a more complex oral surgery.

If you need a tooth extraction, your dentist will tell you how to prepare. The steps may include:

  • An x-ray of the tooth
  • Documentation of medication you take
  • Advising your dentist of other illnesses or health conditions
  • Not eating for a specific period of time before the procedure

If you’re feeling under the weather the day of the procedure, contact your dentist to see if you should reschedule. Also, make sure you don’t smoke or use tobacco before your extraction.

Oral Surgery & Extractions Aftercare

After the procedure, you may need to use an ice pack to reduce swelling and pain. You’ll also have gauze in your mouth for a few hours, and you’ll need to rest for at least 24 hours. You won’t be able to use a straw or smoke the day after your extraction, and you’ll need to eat soft foods for a few days.

Don’t let tooth extraction scare you. It’s a common procedure, and our dentists at Grand Ledge Smiles have the experience to make it as painless as possible. Contact us for more information today.