Strengthen & Improve Your Teeth With Dental Crowns In Grand Ledge, Michigan

Well, when you’re talking about dental crowns, they’re not at all as noticeable as the traditional ones. However, they do provide a lot of benefits and help protect broken or damaged teeth from additional harm.

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that’s placed over a tooth that has broken, heavily decayed, or is compromised in another way. You may have even heard of them referred to as “tooth caps”, or just “caps.” This permanent treatment (you cannot remove it and it will last for years) allows you to use your teeth as you normally would and can give you the pleasure of eating normally again.

Getting a crown is a proven procedure. Our dentist will clean your teeth and then remove damaged or decayed sections of the tooth. Then your tooth is shaped to hold the crown. The dentist will cast the shape for the crown and then give you a temporary crown while your permanent replacement is made. When it’s ready, the final crown is permanently bonded into place.

Contact Grand Ledge Smiles About Dental Crowns Today!

  • Reinforce your smile’s function and esthetic
  • Cover up misshapen and discolored teeth
  • Achieve a natural-looking restoration
  • Protect weak teeth from breaking
  • Proudly display a healthy and bright smile!

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