When Should You Opt for Dental Crowns?

Beautiful woman facial with a perfect white smile

Dental crowns are one of the most common dental restoration aids people need. They are usually considered the best choice to protect and prolong the life of the teeth. Let’s delve deeper to understand what dental crowns are, their types, and when you should opt for them.

What Are Dental Crowns?


Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps placed over the damaged teeth to restore their size and shape and improve their appearance. Dental crowns, when placed and cemented properly, cover the visible portion of the teeth and also offer the benefit of providing your teeth strength for normal functioning.

In case of missing or decayed teeth, dental crowns can also be placed over dental implants - an artificial root inserted into the jawbone for missing teeth root. They can last from 5 to 15 years, depending upon your dental hygiene and care.

What Are the Types of Dental Crowns?


Dental crowns are available in various types and colors. Traditional dental crowns were made up of metal; however, with technological advances in the cosmetic sector, crowns are made up of a variety of materials, including:

  • Stainless Steel
  • Porcelain
  • Other metals such as silver & gold.
  • Ceramic
  • Composite resin
  • Zirconia
  • A combination of materials

Your dentist considers various factors such as the location of the crown, the extent of tooth damage, function of the tooth, position of gum tissue, etc., before selecting the material for the crown.

When Should You Opt for Dental Crowns?


You should opt for a dental crown in the following scenarios:

  • Broken tooth: Broken teeth are more prone to fractures, leading to severe toothache and further complications. Getting a crown will preserve the remaining teeth and prevent further damage to the affected tooth.
  • Cracked tooth: Cracked tooth could occur due to jaw clenching, chewing ice, nail-biting, and grinding of teeth. These cracks can make teeth susceptible to damage. A cracked tooth is different from a broken tooth, and a cracked tooth can eventually fall if not treated. Dental crowns provide support and strength to the cracked tooth and prevent sensitivity and further complications.
  • Decayed teeth: Decayed teeth could result from poor dental hygiene, diabetes, or a lack of calcium. They are weak and, if left untreated, could lead to fracture or further damage. Crowns protect the decayed teeth from further damage and improve the aesthetic look of your teeth and provide you with the perfect smile.
  • Following a root canal treatment (RCT): In case of severe tooth infections or damage, an RCT might be required to remove the affected tooth. Following an RCT, a dental crown is placed to support the remaining tooth core and pulp. A dental crown will also help to keep surrounding teeth in their original shape and prevent sensitivity and the risk of further infection. In addition, dental crowns can be used to keep the dental bridge in its original position.

At Grand Ledge Smiles, we offer the best-in-class dental services. Our doctors are committed to working together to give you the care and attention you want and deserve. If you have damaged, broken, or decayed teeth and require a dental crown, book an appointment with our experts. If you have questions, call us at (517) 412-2267 or contact us online.